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Provenance Challenge


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Provenance Challenge Workshop Detailed Agenda

Session 1: Wednesday 10.00-11.30


Team inputs 1: Each team will summarise their involvment in the challenge, present the provenance traces produced by theirs system, and how they addressed provenance queries.

please upload your slides next to your entry in the schedule


  1. 10.00-10.10: Introduction Slides
  2. 10.10-10.20: SDG Slides
  3. 10.20-10.30: ZOOM, University of Pennsylvania, Database Group Slides
  4. 10.30-10.40: UChicago
  5. 10.40-10.50: myGrid, University of Manchester Slides
  6. 10.50-11.00: Kepler/PR+RWS (SDSC+UCDavis) Slides
  7. 11.00-11.10: Kepler/Collection-Oriented (DAKS@UCDavis) Slides
  8. 11.10-11.20: VisTrails, University of Utah Slides

Session 2: Wednesday 13.00-15.00


Team inputs 2: Each team will summarise their involvment in the challenge, present the provenance traces produce by theirs systems, and how they addressed provenance queries.


  1. 13.00-13.10: REDUX, Database Research Group, MSR Slides
  2. 13.10-13.20: CESNET, GRID research group, CESNET z.s.p.o. Prague, Czech Republic Slides
  3. 13.20-13.30: Karma, Computer Science Department, Indiana University Slides
  4. 13.30-13.40: MINDSWAP, Semantic Web Research Group, University of Maryland, College Park Slides
  5. 13.40-13.50: PASS, Harvard slides
  6. 13.50-14.00: Southampton, PASOA/EU Provenance Slides
  7. 14.00-14.10: Gridprovenance, Cardiff University
  8. 14.10-14.20: ISI Slides
  9. 14.20-14.30: NCSA (NcsaD2k, NcsaCi) slides
  10. 14.30-14.40: ES3, University of California, Santa Barbara Slides

Session 3: Wednesday 16.00-17.30


Identifying common features and differences 1: This discussion session will seek to identify the common features and differences found in the different approaches and importantly why such differences exist.

Session 4: Thursday 9.30-11.00


Identifying common features and differences 2: This discussion session will seek to identify the common features and differences found in the different approaches and importantly why such differences exist.

Session 5: Thursday 11.30-13.00


Provenance Challenge: Next Steps. Based on the findings of session 3, we will discuss the next step for the provenance community in terms of broadening the workflow, provenance queries and supporting integration of software systems.

-- SimonMiles - 07 Sep 2006

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I Attachment sort Action Size Date Who Comment
challenge06.ppt manage 373.0 K 13 Sep 2006 - 14:18 LucMoreau Introduction Slides
ncsaProvChal.pdf manage 666.4 K 13 Sep 2006 - 15:51 JoeFutrelle slides for NCSA's entry
kepler-cow.ppt manage 1106.0 K 13 Sep 2006 - 19:01 BertramLudaescher Kepler/COW presentation
kepler-rws.ppt manage 452.0 K 13 Sep 2006 - 19:07 BertramLudaescher Kepler/RWS presentation
SDG-provchallenge.ppt manage 475.0 K 19 Sep 2006 - 11:03 SimonMiles SDG presentation
CESNET.ppt manage 902.5 K 19 Sep 2006 - 11:04 SimonMiles CESNET slides
myGrid.ppt manage 6106.5 K 19 Sep 2006 - 11:04 SimonMiles myGrid slides
REDUX.ppt manage 602.5 K 19 Sep 2006 - 11:05 SimonMiles REDUX slides
karma.ppt manage 909.5 K 19 Sep 2006 - 11:06 SimonMiles Karma slides
MINDSWAP.ppt manage 964.0 K 19 Sep 2006 - 11:07 SimonMiles MINDSWAP slides
Southampton.ppt manage 42.5 K 19 Sep 2006 - 11:10 SimonMiles Southampton slides
vistrails.pdf manage 2155.5 K 21 Sep 2006 - 08:07 SimonMiles VisTrails slides
ES3.ppt manage 853.0 K 21 Sep 2006 - 08:08 SimonMiles ES3 slides
isi.ppt manage 526.5 K 27 Sep 2006 - 07:40 SimonMiles ISI slides

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