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Provenance Challenge


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CESNET Provenance Challenge - how to submit the workflow

This page contains technical details about our experiment - how to prepare and submit the workflow as a GRID job.

The workflow representation

As described before, the workflow is represented as a DAG, the set of jobs with defined structure. Each job represents one node of the challenge workflow. To describe the workflow representation, we should indentify three parts:

  • DAG control file - the whole workflow is represented by this DAG control file. In fact it is a template, the real one is generated from it, but only substitution of real references to input/output files is done. Run pch06.runme to use the template.
  • input files and binaries - all imput files and binaries are to be prepared on any GridFTP? server. This is only one of possible solutions, you can also use more convenient gLite storage element (SE) services.
  • job helper scripts - simple shell scripts to handle input output files of the workflow nodes and to log user tags (attributes) (see an example)

All files are stored and available in gLite CVS service here.

GRID environment

We used VOCE virtual organization for our experiment. There is maintained user documentation (how to become a VOCE user, first steps as a new VOCE user). Please use voms-proxy-init instead of grid-proxy-init in our case.

How to submit

glite-wms-job-submit -a pch06.jdl

How to keep track of workflow lifecycle

glite-wms-job-status <job_id>

-- JiriSitera - 31 Aug 2006
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