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Software Download

In order to download the Provenance software, you must first complete the Registration Form. Afterwards you will receive a username and password by email which can be used to access the links below. The Provenance software is released under the terms of the Common Public Licence Version 1.0.

Current Release

June 2006 - Provenance-beta2 contains source code release of the following workpackages:

  1. ProvenanceService to deploy to Globus Container (gt4)
  2. EUProvenance-CSL offering API with which to interact with service
  3. ProvenanceTools to nativigate and visualise the provenance store

June 2006 - ProvenanceDocumentation-beta2 contains documents related to Provenance-beta2 code release.

Previous Releases

The Provenance software is provided in the following packages:

  1. Provenance Server binary installation — for deployment with the Globus Toolkit GT4 and optionally Jakarta Tomcat.
  2. Provenance Server source code — for deployment with the Globus Toolkit GT4 and optionally Jakarta Tomcat. Includes source code.

Bug Reporting

Bug reports can be made using the Provenance project Bugzilla at

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