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Areas of interest

Extra areas of interest within the Crystallography workflow which fall outside the scope of the workflow itself but may still provide useful.


Both CCP4 and mosflm provide logging facilities.

The CCP4 suite has 2 different versions, CL and GUI which both keep different sorts of log files. The command line version keeps 2 sorts of log files, *.com files which save any script which was used and When using CCP4 via the command line, script files are saved automatically in ‘*.com’ format and log files are also produced.

The GUI provides simple database functionality, called the ‘Job Database’, to keep track of the structure solution processing. The database automatically keeps a record of every task run by saving in a def file (which is a text file) the task name and the parameters used to run the task, including the names of the input and output files.

-- CarlBarton - 25 Jun 2010
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